Is Oatmeal Bread Healthier Than Wheat Bread?

Oatmeal bread is slowly gaining popularity as a fresh, delicious alternative to other types of breads. There are many different types of breads out there in the market, and each one serves a unique role for their customers. Bread is fascinating in that it is a great meal at any time of the day and can be used in a lot of different recipes. Oat bread is no different, and this bread certainly has a lot of health benefits that you can rely on.

oatmeal buns in a bin next to eggs
Oat breads are easy to make and can be a great family appetizer.

What health benefits does oatmeal bread have over other breads?

Being made from oats, oatmeal bread has all the benefits of oats and more. Oat bread, whether bought from the store or handmade at home, is a great source of healthy carbohydrates. They contain a special fiber known as beta-glucans, which helps your body function well in several ways. They are a slow-digesting fiber which helps you stay satisfied for longer, so consuming this bread for breakfast each day is a great idea if you are trying to lose weight. Additionally, beta-glucan is good for your cardiovascular system and can significantly reduce the risk of developing heart disease and colon cancers.

This bread also contains plenty of protein and vitamins. Similar to Ezekiel bread, oat bread contains about twice as many proteins as traditional breads. It also is rich in iron, calcium, and vitamin E, important nutrients required for developing strong bones and skin. The added protein and vitamins supplements healthy muscle building and a balanced diet. These health benefits make oatmeal bread a viable alternative to regular breads.

Which oat type is best for oatmeal bread?

You can technically make delicious and pliable oatmeal bread with any oat type, but some bases are better than others. I recommend making this type of bread from rolled oats, which gives the bread a better taste and texture. Rolled oats come in cheap canisters and they are easier to mix with than steel cut or instant oats. Like most oat products, you can either buy them off the shelf by trusted brands such as Deland’s Bakery, or you can bake them at home. I highly suggest using rolled oats if you are baking your oatmeal bread from scratch.

Which breads are most similar to oatmeal bread?

Ezekiel bread, whole wheat bread, and brown rice bread are the most similar to oatmeal bread, mainly due to the amount of protein and fibers within them. All are great sources of good carbs, amino acids, and essential vitamins and minerals. Oat bread has the advantage of being easy to make, relatively cheap, and having a soft, puffy texture.


In conclusion, if you are looking for a nutrient-dense bread with less starch and more protein, look no further than oatmeal bread. It’s a good source of fiber, proteins, vitamins, and minerals, and is great at keeping your heart and gut healthy. You can make it best from scratch with rolled oats and is comparable to other great alternative breads. Overall, oatmeal bread is great any time of the day as a meal or used in recipes.

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