How To Make Healthy And Simple Crepes

How To Make Healthy And Simple Crepes

Pancakes are known to be a great breakfast food, since they are very versatile and tasty. However, the crepe is quickly becoming just as popular, and is arguably a healthier food. It’s popular in French bakeries and restaurants as a breakfast or lunch meal. Pancakes are usually topped off or stuffed with certain ingredients, but crepes have their own unique qualities that make them different.

What is a crepe?

A simple crepe is just a thin, delicate pancake that uses no baking powder in the batter. When crepe batter is cooked, it stays flat and paper-like, unlike pancake batter (which rises up and becomes fluffy). Therefore, you can fold it like an omelet, fill it with whatever you want, and eat it with a fork. Crepes come in a wide variety of styles and variations.

The best part about a crepe is that it you can have it as a nutritious breakfast or a dessert. Breakfast crepes, when filled with the right ingredients, provide plenty of fiber, protein, and vitamins for your body. On the contrary, dessert crepes usually have more sugar and are frequent menu items in bakeries and bistros. They are great to serve to family and friends as a fun after-dinner treat.

How to make a simple crepe

Making a crepe is very similar to making a pancake. The main difference between the two is that pancake batter includes baking powder whereas crepe batter does not.

Another important distinction between the two is the flour to water ratio. Pancake batter has a higher amount of flour to make it fluffier, but crepe batter has a higher amount of water to make it wetter. Crepes need to be this way so that it stays thin and fragile like paper.

For crepe batter, the liquid to flour ratio must be around 1.5:1 (which is exactly opposite of pancake batter).

If you are making crepes for dessert, then I suggest you add 1 to 2 tbsp of granulated sugar or brown sugar. The sugar will make your crepes taste sweeter, which pairs well with foods like raw chocolate.

Basic Crepes

Prep Time 1 hour 5 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 15 minutes
Servings 10 crepes
Calories 120 kcal


  • 1 spatula
  • 1 medium/large skillet
  • 1 medium/large bowl


  • 1 cup all-purpose flour or almond/coconut flour
  • 2 whole eggs
  • ½ cup milk or heavy cream non-dairy/vegan milks also work
  • 1 cup water
  • a pinch of salt
  • tbsp granulated/brown sugar optional
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract optional
  • unsalted butter/cooking spray for the pan


  • Whisk together all dry ingredients in a medium bowl.
  • Make a hole in the center and crack the two eggs in, then add milk. Mix them until you have a nice, smooth batter with few or no lumps.
  • Store the crepe batter in the fridge for at least 1 hour. It should be a bit bubbly on top.
  • Heat a large, flat skillet on medium heat over a stove. Melt butter on it or use cooking spray or olive oil.
  • Pour some batter in the pan until it creates a small circle and tilt the skillet so that it spreads around the skillet evenly. Let it cook for about 2 minutes, then flip it over.
  • Once the crepe is fully cooked, set it gently on a dish and repeat the process with the rest of the batter.

Customizing your finished crepe

Most crepes are usually folded in an omelet-like shape, while others are wrapped like a tortilla. You may add whatever ingredients you want inside the crepe. Some of the most popular fillings include eggs, ground beef, cheese, beans, veggies like mushrooms and spinach, and guacamole.

Dessert crepes are identical to breakfast crepes, except they contain an extra tablespoon of sugar in the batter. A Nutella and banana-filled crepe is shown in the image below. Other popular fillings for dessert crepes include strawberries, chocolate bars, ice cream, custard, yogurt, and peanut butter with jelly. As for toppings, a drizzle of chocolate/caramel syrup and a dusting of powdered sugar are ideal choices.

For even more creative and delicious filling ideas, BakeItWithLove has plenty for you.

The sky really is the limit with crepes. You can style it just about any way!

How to store simple crepes

To store crepes,  simply wrap them in plastic wrap or foil, and place them in your fridge or freezer respectively.

Crepes will last a few weeks in the fridge, while in the freezer, they can last for several months.

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