Healthy Avocado Smoothie With Oats

Healthy Avocado Smoothie With Oats

This healthy recipe for avocado smoothies has a breakfast twist to it and tastes absolutely delicious. It is designed to help you start your day right by combining avocadoes with oats, which are high in fiber and protein. Rolled oats are soft and flaky, which makes them a perfect mix-in for your avocado smoothie.

With a few extra ingredients that you can put in your recipe, it can even work as a full breakfast meal replacement. Avocadoes are one of the healthiest fruits you can put in a smoothie, and it gives the drink an interesting greenish-yellow color.

avocado fruit and avocado smoothie with straw

Health benefits of avocados

Avocados are high in healthy unsaturated fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. People who eat avocadoes regularly have better health in almost every organ in the body, and tend to weigh less thanks to all the fiber and fats.

Some healthy vitamins found in avocadoes are vitamins B, C, E, and K. These vitamins are good for your gut health, immune health, and eye health. You can also find them in other fruits like bananas and citrus.

Some important minerals found in avocadoes include magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, and phosphorus. These minerals are sorely lacking in most people’s diets, which is why it is important to regularly consume fruits like avocado.

Avocados contain certain antioxidants, two important ones being lutein and zeaxanthin. They help your eye and brain health and help prevent certain cancers and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.

It is important to note that avocadoes are one of the most highly genetically modified foods (GMOS) found out there. Foods like avocadoes, bananas, and corn are given unhealthy modifications and pesticides to help speed mass production and fend off bugs, respectively. This does not bode well for your health and you need to be wise about where you get your fruits from. Make sure you buy these products from trusted non-GMO suppliers, or at the very least buy them organic instead of conventional.

Healthline has an article on the health benefits of avocadoes, as well as their many different types, and more information can be found there.

Health benefits of rolled oats

You have the option of adding rolled oats to your smoothie to enhance its taste and texture. They will single-handedly turn your avocado smoothie into a superfood breakfast that can help your body lose weight and take in essential nutrients more easily. The avocados offer plenty of unsaturated fats, while oats offer healthy minerals and amino acids, making your smoothie a complete meal.

Avocados and oats contain lots of dietary fiber, which is great for maintaining a healthy body weight. Fiber is usually a type of carbohydrate that is severely lacking in many western diets.

Before getting to the recipe, keep in mind that avocados and other fruits may expire very fast. For this reason, you are unable to store it long term. Any leftovers are able to covered and placed in the refrigerator, but do not store it past 3 days.

avocado fruit and avocado smoothie with straw

Healthy Oatmeal Avocado Smoothie

A basic avocado oatmeal smoothie recipe that can be mixed and matched with a lot of other ingredients. The more ingredients you use, the higher the volume of the smoothie will be, so be sure your blender is big enough to handle any size.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Blend Time 1 minute
Total Time 6 minutes
Servings 2 cups
Calories 424 kcal


  • 1 strong blender


  • 1 medium hass avocado or any other variety
  • cups water/milk coconut milk preferred
  • 1 cup old-fashioned rolled oats
  • 1 tbsp sweetener (sugar, stevia, maple syrup, etc.)
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • ¼ tsp kosher salt
  • 1 whole banana, sliced optional
  • coconut milk ice cubes for a chilled smoothie, optional
  • cups volume limit for any additional ingredients


  • Peel the skin off your avocado with a knife and discard the pit. Chop the avocado meat into segments so it is easier to blend.
  • Put all ingredients in a strong blender. Start with water/milk first and add everything else in one at a time. Add
  • Blend until completely smooth. Add some coconut milk ice cubes if you wish to make it colder and creamier.
  • Serve in any size containers you wish.

Other fruits/ingredients to add to your avocado smoothie

You may add a plethora of additional fruits, but you must be sure that they will not interfere with the taste of the smoothie too much. For example, fruits like cherries and tomatoes have a strong taste to them that may not go too well with your smoothie.


  • Bananas are the most common choice and the one I recommend the most. It helps immensely in making your smoothie creamier (see below) and it also doesn’t clash too much with other flavors.
  • Blueberries have a great flavor and provide some extra water to your recipe. The skin tends to get a bit annoying though because it may not blend completely. Make sure you have a high-speed blender that is capable of shredding your blueberries as strong as possible. This way, the taste of blueberry will naturally be integrated into your smoothie.
  • Strawberries are naturally sweet, so they do a good job at replacing sugar in this recipe. Its taste goes well with avocado, and it is high in vitamin C.
  • If you want to incorporate a tropical theme to your smoothie, try adding mangoes, pineapple, spinach, and/or kale. Avocadoes are a key ingredient in certain tropical smoothie recipes. Nutritionally, pineapples are very acidic and mangoes are high in folate, vitamin A and fiber, so a tropical-themed smoothie is great for your gut health and weight management. Spinach is also high in essential minerals like iron and magnesium.

Other healthy ingredients

  • Cocoa powder (preferably dutch cocoa) is awesome for chocolate lovers. If you choose to use it in your recipe, scoop and put in no more than 2-4 tablespoons. This will be enough to give your smoothie a satisfying chocolate flavor. Chocolate complements the flavor of avocado quite nicely.
  • Unflavored Greek yogurt/skyr can be used in place of milk in your recipe, and the latter is packed with protein. It helps fit the breakfast theme of the smoothie and provides probiotics, iodine, vitamins B12 and A, and selenium. They play an important role in helping your body digest the healthy fibers that naturally occur in avocados and oats.
  • Lastly, you can experiment with different kinds of protein powders to give your smoothie a protein boost. This makes it highly effective for those looking to gain muscle and lose weight at the same time.

What if your avocado smoothie is too thin?

A common issue that occurs when making your avocado smoothie is that it may come out too watery and thin. Even though avocados are naturally able to give more thickness to a smoothie, it still may not be favorable enough depending on the type of avocados you used.

If your smoothie is too thin for your liking, start by adjusting the proportions in your recipe. You may want to slightly decrease the amount of water in the recipe or add in one extra avocado. Both options are great solutions to make your smoothie thicker.

If your smoothie has already finished blending, try pouring some out into a cup. Then, add about a tablespoon of protein powder or powder greens into the cup and stir it. The powder will help to thicken your smoothie a bit. If it’s still thin after that, add some more mashed-up avocado meat into it if you can fit it in.

Some of the extra ingredients listed above can help thicken up your smoothie. For example, unflavored Greek yogurt has a uniquely thick texture and does not interfere at all in the blending process. You can combine the yogurt with other dense ingredients like bananas and nut butter to make your smoothie very creamy.

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