Protein Overnight Oats With Greek Yogurt And Protein Powder

Protein Overnight Oats With Greek Yogurt And Protein Powder

Overnight oats are an immensely popular and reliable breakfast food. They boast high levels of protein, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals. Infusing your oats with protein-rich foods like Greek yogurt, protein powder, and peanut butter makes your breakfast even more filling. There are very few morning breakfast meals that offer the insane benefits that protein overnight oats give you.

Protein overnight oats work great for people who need to move quickly. If you are like most people, you aim to get your work done in the morning, either by leaving for your job or exercising early. Overnight oats offer you the convenience of a quick and filling breakfast, requiring no more than 5 minutes to take it out and eat it. Because breakfast is the most important meal of the day, this is an immensely powerful advantage of eating overnight oats.

Additional information about protein overnight oats

The best part about having protein overnight oats for breakfast is their speed and reliability. Protein-packed ingredients like peanut butter are cheap and found in most grocery stores. Rolled oats or instant oats are also relatively cheap, and do not require any setup whatsoever to start creating overnight oats. They are easy to make-all you have to do is throw some ingredients together in a bowl and leave it in a fridge overnight. These aspects of creating overnight oats are prized thanks to their reliability and consistency.

This recipe aims to help you lose fat and gain muscle, since protein overnight oats are very filling and contain lots of protein. Greek yogurt works well as a replacement to hot milk or water, and contains healthy probiotics and amino acids. Protein powder adds additional protein, while also qualifying the breakfast as a complete protein source. These ingredients come together to give you a meal that contains over 40 grams of protein, and prevents midday cravings that make most people gain unnecessary weight. Also, these overnight oats are high in fiber and relatively low in calories (depending on the density of your protein powder)

Here is the recipe for Greek yogurt protein powder overnight oats!

Protein Overnight Oats (Greek Yogurt + Protein Powder)

Overnight oats packed with protein. Additional ingredients listed below can be placed along with the yogurt and protein powder.
Prep Time 5 minutes
8 hours
Total Time 8 hours 5 minutes
Servings 2 jars/cups
Calories 350 kcal


  • 1 medium bowl
  • 3 jars or cups


  • ½ cup unflavored oats any kind of oats
  • ½ cup low-sugar Greek yogurt any flavor
  • 1 or 2 scoops protein powder any flavor
  • ¼ cup milk or water


  • Mix all ingredients in a medium bowl with a spoon. Stir well.
  • Portion the mixture into jars or small cups until empty.
  • Cover the overnight oats with lids or plastic wrapping and place them in the fridge overnight. 6-10 hours of chilling is the best time for them.
  • Once they are finished chilling, take them out of the fridge and stir each one. Feel free to add any toppings you wish and serve when ready.

Other mix-ins to consider

There is certainly no shortage of high-protein alternatives to consider.

Peanut butter is the most common alternative. It is cheap, high in protein and healthy fats, and easy to mix in. If you prefer other nut butters, then pistachio, hazelnut, almond, and cashew butters are your best bet. If you need a guide on how best to use nut butters for overnight oats, this recipe will teach you how to do that.

Egg whites are an underrated mix-in that offers tons of protein and virtually zero calories. Don’t worry if you don’t like the taste of egg whites-they have little effect on the taste of overnight oats.

Tiny seeds like chia and flax seeds are little powerhouses that don’t interfere too much with other mixable ingredients. They can be found either online or in most grocery stores, and they tend to be popular mix-ins to overnight oats. Additionally, these seeds can improve your heart health, reduce cholesterol levels, and prevent colon cancer and infections.

Finally, consider adding small cheeses like crumbled feta or Mexican shreds. They can really kick up the flavor a notch, and they tend to be very satisfying. They are dense in healthy fats, protein and other nutrients.

Fresh fruits are a wise choice to mix in with your oats. Mashed/sliced bananas, chopped apples or mangos, and berries are great mix-ins. They contain essential fibers, antioxidants, and healthy sugars.

How to store your protein overnight oats

Leftover overnight oats should be stored in an airtight container and placed in the fridge. When you store your overnight oats, be sure not to leave them in the fridge for more than five days. After five days, they tend to get very soggy and mushy.

Freezing your overnight oats is not recommended, since condensation can build up in whatever container you choose and make your oats soggy. If you absolutely need to freeze them, be sure to wrap your oats in aluminum foil or store them in a freezer-safe container. Then, place it in your freezer. Do not freeze them for longer than 6 months.

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