My first ever post!

Welcome to my breakfast blog website, Appetite Artist! It pleases me to say that I am stoked to start my own blog and I am excited to share my knowledge with you.

I am 23 years old and have been hopping around in retail jobs my whole life, so I have been exposed to many different types of foods (a lot of times wondering what to eat on my breaks!). Ever since I was a little kid, I have always been an early bird and have been obsessed about eating creative, delicious breakfasts in the morning and a green tea to start my day off right. I really love the grocery stores that offer more creative options, such as Whole Foods and Oakes Farms, that allow me and other customers access to a wide variety of foods. This blog will mainly focus on healthy breakfast options and recipes so that you don’t have to worry about choosing the meal that is right for you.

I started this blog because I have read many blogs over the years covering various topics that have helped me answer my questions and make my own decisions, and I would like to get involved and share what I have learned about, and what I hope to learn in the future. With my blog, I can keep tabs on my successes and help people like you, which is always a win-win in my book.

I will be sharing DIY recipes, alternative breakfast options, protein packed breakfasts, recommendations, and similar posts.

Become an Appetite Artist and make the kitchen your canvas!

1 Comment

  1. B June 16, 2022

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