Egg Fried Rice With Veggies And Herbs

Egg Fried Rice With Veggies And Herbs

Egg fried rice is a popular Asian stir-fry rice dish that is great to have for both breakfast and lunch. It is a very fast and easy dish to make, since all it requires is a pan, a stove, and the necessary ingredients. Even better, it tastes great and contains many healthy nutrients to start your day right.

Egg fried rice ingredients and nutrients

Every fried rice variation has minor differences, however, they all share the same core ingredients. These are the ingredients you will absolutely need before making the recipe.

White/Brown Rice

The bulk of your recipe will be mostly rice, which can either be white or brown rice. It is recommended that you use brown rice, since it has much more fiber than white rice. Brown rice has insoluble fiber, which is a type of fiber that attaches itself to your gut and helps speed up digestion. Additionally, brown rice complements the flavor of the other ingredients well and makes for a complete meal.

No matter which rice you choose, make sure you cook or steam it before starting this recipe. You may also buy it already cooked or steamed.

Scrambled Eggs

Egg fried rice is not complete without scrambled eggs, which are a great source of protein, cholesterol, vitamin D, and more. You will make your scrambled eggs beforehand and then chop them up into pea-sized bits. The combination of brown rice and eggs makes for a very satisfying breakfast that can keep you full for many hours.

Peanut/Sesame Oil

Next on the list is oil, which is very important for lubricating your egg fried rice while also adding a nice coat of flavor. The most common oils used for egg fried rice are peanut oil and sesame oil. Both are healthy oils to use in moderation, since they contain unsaturated fats that aid in heart and hormonal health. The primary fat found in peanut oil is oleic acid, which has been proven to possess anti-inflammatory properties and may have a positive effect on body weight (courtesy of MindBodyGreen). Sesame oil, on the other hand, contains many healthy antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, which play a positive role in skin, hair, and artery health. Both oils are fantastic options to put in your egg fried rice. Oils are very high in calories, though, so you shouldn’t go over the recipe’s recommended amount unless you don’t mind.

Mixed Vegetables, Herbs, and Seasonings

Finally, you can add a large array of vegetables, herbs, and spices to your recipe. This recipe features green scallions, carrots, peas, onions, and celery as the main vegetables. Cilantro, dill, and parsley are also used in this recipe, as they are healthy herbs that contain many antioxidants that aid in detoxing the body. Realistically, though, the options are endless, and you can add however many or little ingredients that you want. Your vegetables and herbs must be chopped into small pieces so that they can mix well with your egg fried rice.

If you do not want to chop your vegetables, don’t worry! Many grocery stores sell frozen mixed vegetable packages. You can easily thaw out the package when ready and drop the contents in your pan. I recommend pouring the vegetables in a measuring cup before doing this, as you need about 2-3 cups of mixed vegetables for your egg fried rice.

In summary, rice, scrambled eggs, oil, vegetables, and herbs are what make up your egg fried rice recipe. It is a versatile dish that contains a hefty amount of all three major macronutrients. It works great for both breakfast and lunch, but I don’t recommend eating it for dinner. This is because it will increase your energy levels, which can make it very difficult to sleep at night. Once you have all the necessary ingredients, you will find that this is an exceptionally easy meal to make.

egg fried rice in a wok
egg fried rice in a wok

Egg Fried Rice

A quick fried recipe meant for breakfast and lunch, incorporating eggs, rice, veggies, herbs, and healthy oils. Buy bundled versions of vegetables and seasonings to save time, if you prefer not to cut the ingredients with a kitchen knife.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Servings 4 cups
Calories 375 kcal


  • 1 non-stick skillet
  • 1 wok pan
  • 1 kitchen knife for cutting and dicing


  • 4 large eggs
  • 4 cups cooked white/brown rice
  • 4 tbsp peanut/sesame oil
  • 1 sliced green scallion white and green parts separated
  • 1 small onion, peeled and diced any onion color/variety works
  • 1 cup diced carrots
  • 1 cup diced celery
  • ½ cup peas
  • cups mixed herbs (cilantro, dill, parsley)
  • ½ tsp salt
  • crushed red pepper, garlic and/or onion powder for seasoning


  • Crack the eggs into a small bowl. Beat them together.
  • Heat a skillet over low or medium heat. Add 1 tbsp of your preferred oil into it. When the pan is hot enough, add the beaten eggs and scramble them. They will finish scrambling once they become solid, with no liquid left over.
  • Transfer the scrambled eggs over to a dish. At this time, take your skillet off the heat and put a wok on the heat. Pour the remaining two tbsp of oil into it and set the heat to medium-high.
  • Add in the onions and cook them for a bit to caramelize them. Stir constantly. Add in all vegetables and the white parts of your sliced scallion. Cook them for about two minutes and season the vegetables with salt. Stir constantly.
  • Pour the rice in and cook for about 5 minutes, until it is heated nicely.
  • Add in your mixed herbs and whatever seasonings you wish to use. Stir everything around so that the seasonings and oil can mix well with everything.
  • Add in the scrambled eggs (whole as is or chopped) and stir to mix again.
  • Garnish with the green parts of your scallion, turn off the heat, and transfer your egg fried rice to a dish. Serve immediately.

How to store your egg fried rice

Store your rice in a shallow container, making sure to cover it tightly, and place it in your refrigerator. Be sure to eat your rice within a week to ensure that all the ingredients are of the highest quality.

For freezing, store your rice in an airtight container and place it in your freezer. Your egg fried rice can last up to 6 months this way.

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