5 Easy-To-Make Oatmeal Smoothie Ideas

5 Easy-To-Make Oatmeal Smoothie Ideas

Oatmeal smoothies are simply regular smoothies infused with any type of oats. They are typically mixed with a non-dairy milk such as soy or almond milk. Oatmeal smoothies combine the nutritional benefits of regular smoothies with oats and gives the smoothie a more rich and creamy texture.

Why should you drink oatmeal smoothies?

Oatmeal smoothies are a unique type of smoothie that is healthy for you in several ways. The main aspect of oatmeal smoothies that makes it different from other smoothies is that it contains any kind of oats you prefer. Oats are rich in fiber and protein, which makes it perfect as a hearty breakfast beverage to give you energy for your day. It also helps keep your blood sugar levels consistent, which is a very helpful outlier in our world of commercial, sugar-loaded cereals. Additionally, oats contain many antioxidants known as avenanthramides, which help lower blood pressure levels, fend off heart disease, and lower LDL (bad) cholesterol.

As a result, blending oats with smoothies gives you a superfood drink that pairs perfectly with solid breakfast foods like eggs and waffles. Rolled oats are the best type of oats to use since they are more easily mashable by your smoothie blender.

Mixing oatmeal smoothies with fruits and vegetables is a fantastic way to bring out the power of this beverage. Here are 5 simple and cheap oatmeal smoothie variations you can create at home!

1. Strawberry Banana Oatmeal Smoothie

A relatively basic smoothie that certainly gets the job done in giving you that morning boost. Mixing strawberries and bananas together makes the smoothie quite thick and serves as a good baseline for mixing in other foods. If the thickness is too much for you, simply add more water or more milk and blend again. Perfect for a quick meal to either consume before work or keep for later in a thermos.

2. Triple Berry Oatmeal Smoothie

Mix cranberries, blackberries, and raspberries together in your smoothie for a sour, fruity taste explosion. The berries are surprisingly low in sugar and is high in fiber when combined with oats. I wouldn’t suggest putting too much of any berries, as it can be a bit harsh on your gut. Be sure to portion accordingly (1/3 of a cup of each of the three berries is good).

3. Pumpkin Cinnamon Oatmeal Smoothie

Want a perfect Thanksgiving dessert that’s not pumpkin pie? Look no further than mixing pumpkin puree and cinnamon spice with your oatmeal smoothie. It has a great amount of vitamins and minerals and comes out of the blender very dense and creamy. It tastes even better as a dessert when topped with whipped cream and cocoa powder.

4. Oreo Vanilla Oatmeal Milkshake

When a smoothie is combined with ice cream, it becomes a milkshake. When you combine a milkshake with Oreo cookies, It becomes an unbeatable dessert that will reward your taste buds. Simply chop up Oreos or any cream cookie alternative, take out 2-3 scoops of vanilla ice cream, and blend them with your oats and milk. You can also add caramel syrup, either mixed in with the smoothie or drizzled on top with whipped cream. I highly recommend this delightful dessert to anyone-in moderation, of course!

5. Super Veggie Oatmeal Smoothie

Mix in some kale, spinach, and banana for an extraordinarily healthy smoothie, perfect at any time of the day. I usually like to throw in mango and pineapples as well to give it a tropical vibe. The addition of oats makes an already nutritious smoothie richer and stronger.

Directions (Base Oatmeal Smoothie)

  1. Blend non-dairy milk and oats together in a blender until smooth. If you prefer, you may add a teaspoon of sugar and vanilla extract, then blend again until smooth.
  2. Pour into cups or glasses and serve.

There are hundreds of different smoothie variations, but as long as you know these directions, you will understand the template behind any smoothie recipe. If necessary, make sure your blender is moderately strong so that it can shred dense foods like ice and nuts.

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