5 Healthy Supermarket Greek Yogurt Brands

5 Healthy Supermarket Greek Yogurt Brands

Greek yogurt is the tried-and-true superfood for getting your protein and vitamin D intake for the day. It tastes great and you have many amazing yogurt options to choose from. But sometimes, it can be a little confusing to choose the right brands. I have compiled a list of 5 trusted and authentic yogurt brands to help you choose your best option. All 5 work great as breakfast pairings, especially with lighter foods such as waffles and bagels.

I personally find that purchasing larger containers of yogurt is always preferable to individual cups. The reason for this is not only do you get more of the same yogurt for a cheaper price, but it works well when you are having it for breakfast since you can simply eat as much as you can, then put it away after. Also, you can easily portion out yogurt from larger containers and serve them in smaller cups. This is useful when you want to share yogurt with others or experiment with tasty mix-ins. The last four yogurts on this list have 32-ounce variants, so I would highly recommend purchasing them.

With that out of the way, here are five fantastic yogurt brands to include with your next breakfast.

Chobani Flip

Simply put, Chobani Flip is just fun to eat! This product saves the hassle of having to manually sprinkle in your own unique mix-ins. It is perfectly suited to eat as a quick snack during breakfast, lunch, or your work break. Just flip the one side containing the mix-ins over the yogurt side and generously stir with a spoon. Chobani Flip currently has 19 unique flavors, including cookies & cream, Boston cream pie, and s’mores.

The only con with Chobani Flip is the price. It tends to cost more than it is worth, especially since it doesn’t contain a large amount of yogurt within.

Pillars Drinkable Greek Yogurt

This unique brand is the ultimate bodybuilder yogurt. It is essentially Greek yogurt in a bottle, and you drink it like milk. It comes in a few flavors such as chocolate and mixed berry and has a taste that can be a little off-putting at first. However, the drink is very nutritious, and one bottle contains a whopping 60 grams of yogurt protein. Additionally, it has a low calorie count and is a good source of fiber and calcium.

Not only is Pillars yogurt cultured, but it is also fermented, containing healthy pre and probiotics. On the one hand, these probiotics aid in digestion and help restore your gut bacteria balance. On the other hand, the mix of probiotics and lactose may give you a stomachache if you drink too much in one sitting. Despite this, Pillars Drinkable Greek Yogurt is a viable, fortified, and nutritious Greek yogurt brand.

Maple Hill Creamery Organic Yogurt

This yogurt brand is known for being rich, common, and dependable. Live cultures and grass-fed milk make up the bulk of this creamy yogurt. This makes it high in omega-3 fatty acids and linoleic acids, which are essential for a healthy cardiovascular system. Being made with grass-fed milk specifically also makes it slightly more expensive, which can hurt its accessibility for its customers. However, I believe that purchasing this brand is worth it. It is by and large one of the healthiest yogurt brands out there, and one of the best on the market right now.

Vanilla Blended Chobani Yogurt

A trusted staple of delicious, protein-packed Greek yogurts. Vanilla is a popular flavor among customers, but other flavors can work just as well. I personally like vanilla since it has a smooth, rich consistency throughout. Chobani is popular for being cheap and reliable, and it comes in multiple sizes as well. Chobani yogurts are a good source of calcium, vitamin A, vitamin D, and multiple vitamin B types.

Tillamook Plain and Simple Greek Yogurt

As the name suggests, this yogurt is made from simple, common, yet authentic ingredients. It boasts an impressive 18 grams of protein per serving and tastes like good yogurt should. If you find the taste a little too plain, mixing in fresh fruits can be an innovative idea. Pineapple, strawberry, and blueberry are all great fruits to mix into yogurt. Or, you can add spices and extracts like cinnamon or vanilla to perk up the flavor as well. Tillamook is notable for only including milk and cultures in their yogurt and yet still sporting a high protein count.


There are many different Greek yogurt varieties, and each taste unique in their own way. All the yogurt brands I included in this list have a great combination of low sugar and high protein. Greek yogurt is certainly the best kind of yogurt you can buy, and it is up to you to find out which brands are most appealing to you.

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